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Join date: Jan 10, 2022


Jason Higginbotham is an optometrist and dispensing optician renowned for his education and training services, with over 30 years experience. A former Director of Medical & Education at Birmingham Optical Group, Jason, runs opthalic consultancy firm, FYEye Ltd assist clients with training both their associate, clinical and management teams as well as providing CET/CPD content and delivery.

Through FYEye, Jason has been working closely with corporate clients, academia, independent practices and excitingly, with new technology companies, including Occuity and Ibisvision. FYEye assists with international distribution, procurement, R&D and general business advice. One current project is the production of an international OCT portal, including clinical advice and discussion pages on new devices and more besides.

Jason is currently completing an MSc in clinical optometry at City University, London. FYEye intends to also educate the public on eye related issues, including myopia. FYEye is also committed to helping businesses become more sustainable and carbon neutral.

Previously, Jason has owned his own practices, been the clinical director of a domiciliary eye care provider, worked in refractive laser and for many Optometry businesses. Jason was a partner in a lens surfacing and edging lab. He fully understands both the commercial and the clinical aspects of both optometry and many elements of ophthalmology clinics too.FYEye Ltd. is also a member of the OSA (Optical Suppliers Association) – formerly the FMO (Federation of Manufacturing Opticians).

Jason founded in May 2022, to increase awareness among parents of myopia and myopia management. He is concerned at the lack of understanding and support for what is going on with children’s eyes right now highlighting how increased use of screens, close work, and lack of outdoor time have been proven to have had a significant impact on myopia becoming an epidemic. he believes the genetic element of myopia will also compound the issues caused by modern lifestyles.


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Jason Higginbotham


Managing Editor

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